Ronald T. Simon

Celebrating 40 years of fine photography was launched in 1999 to showcase black and white, analog photography. 


In this incarnation, I am presenting post-Covid era images, and 2022 offered ample opportunity to make many excellent, even near-spectacular photographs, as crowds flocked back to the streets of Montreal. I am presenting my photos embedded into videos, as a form of portfolio or photo-reel, mostly produced for the artists who make them possible. For this first update, I have created 5 videos for three different events: Festival Quartiers Danse: 11 min; presenting images of 19 dance companies performing outdoors. Festival M.A.D. Mode Art Design: 4 min; featuring medium format images of the work of Penelope Gromko.

Cirque Eloize presents 3 Geants 2022: 3 videos documenting 3 performances, including both the first and final performances. 


Another theme of this website will be - a tourist in my own town - or living in the Vieux Port de Montreal since 2018, seeking new views by reimagining old views of the surrounding area, using Fujifilm medium format (GFX) and Sony fullframe Alpha sensors.  


Festival Quartiers Danse
Festival M.A.D.

Cirque Éloize

3 Geants, 2022



Festival Quartiers

Danses (FQD) 2022